Mod Quad

The Mod Quad is a slimmed down little brother to the Speed Dialer, more short boardy. Less overall area and volume. It is a blend of 80’s Quad design and what we are doing currently. Bottom shape is single into double concave with a touch of Vee through the tail.

Typical Dimensions

Length: 5'8" - 6'8"

Width: 19" – 20 ½"

Thickness: 2 ¼” – 2 ¾”

Nose: 12" - 14"

Tail: 14 ¾” – 15 ¾”

Fin Setup


(Dimensions & fin set up can be customised to meet individual requirements.)

A Word From Roger

Customers ordering Mod Quads tend to be either going shorter and wider as a small wave Fish or a little longer and narrower as their everyday all around board. Either way, they are gaining speed and paddle power that they were not getting from the traditional Thruster and also enjoying the turning characteristics and speed of the Quad.

Mod Quad Surfboard Resin tint
Board Details