Summer Slayer

Featuring a flattened rocker apex with lowered entry and exit curves to pick up speed from the get go and hold onto it to set up turns in the pocket or out on the face. Single concaved bottom from ahead of the front foot to just in front of the forward fins. A vee'd peak through the fin cluster provides a resistance free swivel into turns at both high and low speeds. The wide area diamond tail provides a strong push through the turns and can be powered up with 3 - 4 - 5 fin configurations.

Typical Dimensions

Length: 5'8" - 6'0"

Width: 20" - 20 3/4"

Thickness: 2 3/8" - 2 5/8"

Tail: +/- 16"

Fin Setup

Thruster / Quad / Five Fins

(Dimensions & fin set up can be customised to meet individual requirements.)

A Word From Roger

The Summer Slayer is by no means confined to small gutless waves, however by virtue of it's small to medium wave performance, there is a good chance a Summer Slayer will be both, your best friend and go to board all Summer long!